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We developed Triblog motivated by the desire to share intelligent content for the agricultural sector and with the aim of showing the reality of the market in which we operate.

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Always Partners for RS: 3tentos carries out the official delivery of the funds raised

Campaign raised resources for families affected by floods in Rio Grande do Sul

Weed desiccation: when to opt for sequential application?

Technique allows the elimination of several weed emergence flows before the emergence of the main crop

Density and depth when sowing corn

It's important to pay attention to factors such as seed depth and plant density for good crop establishment.

How to maximize the efficiency of nitrogen fertilization in wheat

Considered a primary macronutrient, nitrogen performs several crucial functions in wheat plants, in addition to being one of the most required by them

Use of pre-emergents and application of trifluralin in wheat crops

The use of pre-emergent herbicides is an essential tool, reducing the initial competition between weeds and the crop, favoring the post-emergence management of the established crop

Main pests of corn crops: characteristics and management

Understanding the characteristics, cycles and peculiarities of the main corn pests, especially those at the end of the cycle, is of paramount importance for the control and management of these insects in crops, given the importance of pest management in the development of healthy plants and in ensuring high productivity in corn cultivation

What criteria should you take into account when choosing wheat seed?

Seed selection criteria vary according to the region, climate, soil type and the specific demands of each crop

What to look for when choosing a soil cover mix

Find out what factors to consider to correctly choose the coverage mix for your area

Key nutrients for grain filling

The balance between nutrients is essential to achieve high productivity in soybeans

3tentos Carbon Seal receives award from the Ministry of Agriculture

Project serves 400 properties in Rio Grande do Sul, reaching the estimated mark of 1.6 million tons of carbon retained in the soil and an average carbon footprint of 480.4 kg CO2e/t

8th CropShow works on concepts of the field ecosystem

Theme invites producers to analyze day-to-day activities, understanding key points of operations, inputs and cash management

Zero application in soybeans: benefits and management precautions

The practice aims to protect the leaves of the bass, which are close to the ground, and which can be sources of disease inoculum for the upper leaves

Which nutrients are lost through leaching and how can they be supplemented?

Nutrient losses through leaching have a negative impact on agricultural productivity, since when there is a deficiency of any of these nutrients, the crop's yield potential will be affected

Carbon Seal: a step towards validating production efficiency

Participating in the carbon market not only highlights the inherent sustainability of production systems, but also highlights the essential harmony between production and preservation

Post-emergence desiccation management in soybeans: Xtend, Enlist and RR technologies

Inadequate weed management is one of the main factors that reduce soybean productivity, due to competition for water, light and nutrients

The importance of using cobalt and molybdenum in the treatment of soybean seeds

Use of nutrients in seed treatment plays a vital role in promoting healthy plant growth

Initial crop care: the vital role of soybean seed treatment

TS proves to be a great ally for rural producers in controlling pests and diseases in the initial stages of crop development

Soybeans: sowing scheduling as a strategy to minimize risks

In Rio Grande do Sul, scheduling has become an important strategy to minimize climate risks, due to frequent dry periods in recent soybean harvests

Inoculation of soybean seeds: why use it and what care is needed when applying it?

Inoculation helps establish the population of Bradyrhizobium spp. in the soil, enabling the immediate formation of nodules and the establishment of the biological nitrogen fixation process

Nitrogen fertilizer in corn: timing and quantities for best results

Nitrogen is vital to corn as it plays a key role in promoting healthy growth, forming essential proteins and significantly increasing productivity

Seed quality: an analysis of high performance in the production process

A quality seed involves physiological, physical, genetic and health aspects

Scab in wheat: favorable conditions for the disease, period of occurrence and time for more effective application

Periods of high humidity and mild temperatures are conducive to the onset of the disease

Soil quality for high productivity

The ideal soil must be chemically balanced, physically uncompressed and biologically active so that high yields can be achieved in agricultural crops

Microbiological products and soil diseases

These microorganisms have gained prominence as alternative and sustainable technologies for the management of soil diseases, acting as long-lasting biocontrol agents

How can water quality and temperature interfere with application efficiency?

Preparation of the syrup requires special care such as: compatibility between products, mixing order, climate and water quality

Aphids on wheat: main species and control strategies

Aphids are among the species that most cause problems in wheat productivity, as they reproduce quickly and can be present in all plant structures

Inoculation in the corn crop: seed treatment, planting furrow and aerial

Thinking about strategies to improve fertilization efficiency, aiming at better root exploration of the plant in the soil in terms of water and nutrients, we can adopt innovative and sustainable technologies, such as the use of biological inputs

Management of suffering in the wheat crop: when to apply?

Splitting nitrogen fertilization is a strategy that aims to apply greater amounts of nutrient when the plants have a root system sufficiently developed to absorb it, seeking to minimize the risk of losses

3tentos App allows signing of documents and makes management easier

Documents signed via the application have legal validity and are automatically available to the 3tentos unit, streamlining the process for the producer

Know the main spots on wheat and understand how to control it

One of the factors that affect wheat development and final grain yield is disease infestation during the production cycle, so monitoring is extremely important for successful management

Use of biologicals in the treatment of wheat seeds

Some technologies have drawn attention as alternatives to optimize chemical fertilization, such as the use of beneficial microorganisms, in particular the so-called plant growth promoting bacteria (BPCV)

The importance of using zinc in the treatment of wheat seeds

Micronutrients influence the development of wheat plants, especially in the early stages of the crop

Pre-planting fertilization in wheat: care and management

Proper fertilization is essential to obtain satisfactory yields in the harvest

Biological management of plant-parasitic nematodes.

When it comes to the control of plant-parasitic nematodes, biological management emerges as a highly advantageous solution. Besides being a sustainable and effective strategy to reduce the population of these parasites in crops, it provides ease of application, environmental sustainability, and a broad spectrum of crops that can benefit from the use of bioproducts.

Seed Treatment: Understanding the Significance of Early Pest and Disease Control in Wheat

Seed treatment in wheat is essential for controlling diseases and pests in the early stages of crop development. Pathogens transmitted through seeds and present in crop residues can cause significant damage.

Wheat mal-do-pé: management and control options

The use of biological products emerges as an alternative to manage the disease

Soil health: the key to sustainable and productive agriculture

Discover the importance of soil health and how it impacts the productivity and sustainability of agriculture, addressing the three essential pillars: physical, chemical and biological

Autumnal weed management: when to perform it and which herbicides are indicated

Uncontrolled weeds can compete for water and nutrients with the commercial crop, in addition to being potential hosts of pests and diseases.

Cover crops as a fundamental strategy to avoid the autumn void

The period between the harvest of the summer crop and the implantation of a new autumn/winter crop is called the off-season or, more recently, the autumnal gap. It can vary from 60 to 90 days, depending on the production system adopted in each production unit

Coverage mix: important ally for high productivity

The intelligent association of species with complementary agronomic functions is capable of transforming the soil between harvests, providing renewal of nutrients

Good grain drying and storage practices: management for high quality

Post-harvest and industrialization stages require technical rigor to maintain quality and conservation in grain production

Agricultural insurance guarantees protection for the wheat crop: why and how to hire

From planting to harvesting, the resource brings more peace of mind to the farmer who seeks to reduce risks and losses

Application allows agility in the delivery of grains during harvest

The evolution of digital processes impacts the lives of thousands of people and has brought countless benefits to the agricultural sector, such as the NF-e

End-of-cycle diseases in soybeans: identification and control

Knowing the environmental conditions in which CFDs develop and knowing how to identify them, makes the control and placement of fungicides as assertive as possible, aiming at maximum management efficiency

CropShow: learn about the history of the event that reinforces partnership ties with rural producers

Present since the first year of 3tentos, the event seeks to be a reference in technology in the field

Soybean mites: characteristic damage and main precautions

In drier years with high temperatures, as seen in the last harvests in Rio Grande do Sul, mites have become pests that are increasingly present in the soybean crop

Action of foliar biofungicides in the soybean crop

Products based on bacteria and fungi have gained prominence as aids in disease control in large crops, administered alone or increasing the efficiency of chemical products

Soybean diseases in dry periods: main characteristics and control measures

Water scarcity can favor the establishment of diseases such as powdery mildew and root rot

Biostimulant in soy: how to use them and what are the benefits for the crop

The products corroborate for the establishment and functional balance of the plants, allowing them to be able to use the inputs applied more efficiently

Marketplace Agro: different business models in the online and physical world

Agribusiness continues to evolve and enters different sales models, such as e-commerce, marketplace, loyalty platforms, multichannel and omnichannel

Importance of spray tips for efficient application

It is increasingly necessary to seek the best possible performance in an application, in this sense the spray nozzles are considered essential components of a sprayer

The importance of boron and sulfur in the wheat crop: how nutrients influence productivity

Fertilization must be done in a personalized way for each crop, always taking into account which fertilizer to use and which nutrients must be included

Carbon trading opens new opportunity for farmers

Agriculture emerges as one of the main economic activities that enables actions to reduce and remove carbon

La Niña weakens and summer should be marked by more frequent rains in Rio Grande do Sul

Agrometeorologist from Rural Clima explains what the scenario should be for the 22/23 soybean crop

Operational capacity: how many hectares can I sow per day?

Sowing planning is essential to understand how many days it will take to complete planting in the area and thus avoid productivity losses resulting from delays

Soil metagenome: microbiota diagnosis provides accurate soil management

New biological technologies guarantee the maintenance of agronomic yields of different cultures and the preservation and increase of the biodiversity present in arable soils

Rationing and rationalizing: the best strategy in times of high fertilizer costs

Having information on fertility rates, liming recommendations and soil and plant nutrition are increasingly important to optimize the resources invested in crops

Pre-emergent herbicides in wheat: strategy for ryegrass control

It is estimated that the presence of one ryegrass plant per square meter can reduce wheat productivity by 0.4%, and maximum losses can exceed 80%

Main biologicals used in winter crops and their characteristics

The use of biological products, such as Pseudomonas and Azospirillum, bring significant benefits throughout the seasons, recovering and preserving characteristics that guarantee the health of the soil

Importance of using bacteria to promote wheat growth

Use of Azospirillum and Pseudomonas, associated with other promotion mechanisms, reflects in an increase in production and productivity

Agricultural insurance for soybeans: what are the advantages and how to apply?

The insurance aims to protect the producer from any type of damage that may occur in their crops.

Liming in Post-Drought Times and Agriculture 4.0

Liming, together with Precision Agriculture, form an extremely important tool for soil correction and adaptation of the environment for the development of the crop.

Biotechnologies embedded in soybean seed

The development of new technologies and biotechnologies for Agro become essential for the sustainability of agricultural activities

How to calculate the depreciation of machinery and equipment

The calculation of depreciation brings to the Rural Producer several benefits such as stability and financial security, in case the fixed asset needs repair or exchange

Guidelines for the regulation of harvester for soybean crop 2021/2022

At the time of harvest, in addition to adequate and careful planning, it is essential to have correct knowledge of the characteristics of the product to be harvested and the machine to be used

Cost-effective pivot irrigation

Easy to handle, the use of the irrigation pivot has been growing in recent years, being able to be installed in small, medium and large properties

Decisions based on data or feeling?

There is a song by the group Papas da Língua that in its chorus says: “[...] numbers, numbers, numbers, what it is, what they are, what they say about you...” and that was exactly what came to my mind as, for the thousandth time, I reflected on what I have been researching for at least 12 years of my life and on my role at 3tentos today: Business Intelligence based on data or facts.

Soybean meal production chain

Understand more about the soybean meal chain at national and state level.

Water temperatures and the preparation of mancozeb

This study aimed to verify if the variation of the water temperature in tank mix with mancozeb, has any effect in the preparation of the syrup and the effectiveness of Asian soybean rust control. The variation of the water temperature for the preparation of tank mix treatments was carried out directly in the field with immediate application, to avoid temperature fluctuations if the preparation was far from the test. To do this, hot water (80°C) was transported in a thermos and ice water (5° C) in another bottle. By mixing these two water temperatures, it was possible to achieve the desired treatments (T1: 10° C, T2: 20° C, T3: 30° C, T4: 40° CT5: 50° C and T6: control without application) measured with a digital thermometer. The start of the application program was preventive, with no visible signs and symptoms of the disease. Five applications were performed with a 14-day interval between the first three applications and 10 days for the latter ones. Only the mancozeb in the WG formulation was used in the study. The water at 30° C proved to be the best option for the preparation of the tank mix alone with WG (Unizeb Gold®) mancozeb. Water with cold temperatures (around 10° C) and hot (around 50 ° C) reduce the disease control and yield. More studies about syrup temperatures are necessary, with the combination of other fungicides in tank mixing.

3tentos is recognized with the Most Integrity Seal, by the Ministry of Agriculture

The award recognizes agribusiness companies that stand out for adopting practices of Integrity, Ethics, Social Responsibility and Sustainability

Carbon in agriculture: productivity and the environment

Brazilian agriculture stands out as a model of sustainability

Professionalization of rural business and family succession: it is time to face this issue

Strategies must be created to assist in the preparation of paths and business continuity

NDVI and crop planning

Data from satellite images can provide information and diagnoses, contributing to increased productivity in the field.

Agricultural spraying: environmental conditions and spray mixture

Understand the ideal conditions for agricultural sprying

Soybug: soy's hidden enemy

Looking for the construction of high potential crops, there are several threats from which we need to defend ourselves. Biotic and abiotic stresses of the most varied forms can affect plant development and the formation and maintenance of yield components, the main ones being; pods/m², pods/pod and grain weight.

Carboxamides: Knowing more about these important fungicides

Carboxamides correspond to a chemical group of old and new fungicide at the same time. Its first representative (carboxym fungicide) dates from the 1960s and was developed with the aim of controlling diseases through seed treatment, initially in wheat and later in several other crops including soybeans. In the 2000s, the pyrazole sub-group was identified, the newest and most modern version of carboxamides, which includes the main active fungicides currently used, especially in soybean, but also in corn, wheat, cotton and beans.

Biofertilizers in modern agriculture: technologies and use

Stimulators, metabolic enhancers, plant strengtheners, plant elicitors, plant conditioners, phytostimulators, biofertilizers, biostimulants. There are countless terms that involve the science still in development about plant growth regulators, substances whose actives are not always visible on the product inserts, but which gain market space in the face of the biotic and abiotic challenges of agricultural production, a still recent strategy of management that in some cases exploits the lack of information from the producer as the main access route, but which, when properly used, allows improvements in the structural development of the soybean crop, as well as an increase in its tolerance or recovery to climatic conditions and/or adversities of management, significantly increasing productivity.

How to identify and control thrips in the soybean crop

Over the last few crops, favored by prolonged periods of dry weather, these small insects, in the case of thrips and arachnids, have needed extra attention from the producer. Despite their small size, they show high potential for damage when not handled properly and especially at the right time.

7 control strategies for caterpillars on soybean

Caterpillars are insects of the order Lepidoptera. Its most representative family is the noctuidaes, with approximately: 8,539 identified species. Most caterpillar species share moths of all sizes (30 cm to 15 mm), which survive in a wide variety of environments.

What rural producers need to know about Income Tax?

Understand what the Income Tax is and how the tax declaration works for the rural producer, in addition to important points related to the topic.

Lowland soybeans: implementation of the crop

Establishment is the most critical phase of soybeans in lowland environments. The period between sowing and emergence is when there is less control over the number of plants that will establish themselves, the possibility of plant death and the final stand.

Rice herbicides: needle point application and water inlet

Rio Grande do Sul is considered the largest irrigated rice producer in Brazil, together with Santa Catarina, they are responsible for more than 80% of the national production. As it is the most consumed cereal in the world, this position is extremely important to guarantee food safety. However, the presence of weeds can drastically compromise productivity, leading to the economic unfeasibility of the business.

Harvester: main settings to prevent grain losses

The conventional grain harvester can be functionally divided into five main units: cutting and feeding, threshing, separating, cleaning, transporting and storing grain. On the other hand, the so-called modern harvesters, with axial path flow, combine the path and the separation in the same process, keeping the others.

What do we need to know for integrated weed management in soybean?

Weeds are the most important biotic factor that negatively affects agricultural production, being responsible for high losses in crop yield and quality. It is estimated that one horseweed plant (Conyza sp.) per m2 can cause losses of 2 to 7 bags of soybean ha-1. In addition to horseweed, we have a large number of other highly competitive weed species that have evolved and adapted to crops under no-tillage system.

What is inoculation and why use soy?

Inoculation is the practice of adding a product that contains a certain biological microorganism, reflecting beneficial functions for the growth and development of plants.

How to desiccate pre-planting soybeans and what are the challenges?

The sowing period for the soybean crop is approaching and for this we have brought some information about what pre-sowing soybean desiccation is, including the best practices used to control weeds.

Complementary application of nitrogen in wheat, why use it?

The proper use of nutrients ensures an increase in crop productivity, as any imbalance in the amount or availability of macro or micronutrients negatively impacts crop productivity.

What are biological products and how to manage them in corn?

Today, it is known that good management integrates several aspects, in particular the inclusion of biological products, which, in addition to efficiency, add to sustainability and agricultural revitalization.

Irrigated rice: The importance of using pre-emergent herbicides

The initial management of the crop is essential for high yields, it must be thought of as a system that encompasses well-defined planning and actions.

What is seed analysis, how is it done and why?

The seed laboratory is the quality assurance center. The seed represents an indispensable input in the production system, being the protagonist of technological innovations, with this quality being the basis for obtaining good yields, whether due to physical, physiological or sanitary factors.

Soybeans: shall we plan the crop?

The sowing time is approaching, farmers are getting ready to start implementing a series of important practices that must be observed for the success of their crops.

Corn leafhopper: what are the symptoms, how to identify and control them

The corn leafhopper (Dalbulus maidis) has been causing great damage to corn producers in Rio Grande do Sul, no longer being a problem only in other regions.

How does online grain fixation work and what are the advantages?

Time has always been and will always be our scarcest resource. In agriculture it is no different. Making processes increasingly agile and practical is an activity to be thought about every day. To 3tentos partners, we offer a unique, agile and practical way of commercializing grains: online sales via the 3tentos app.

What is Digital Certificate, what is it for and what are the benefits

If the subject is agility and economy, we cannot fail to talk about the Digital Certificate, a very important tool to help rural producers, which brings security and practicality.

Know how to prepare for maize cultivation and what precautions to take

The new corn crop has already started, among the main decision decisions are the choice of hybrids, fertility management, weeds and pests.Another decisive aspect for reaping good results is the plantability of the crop, which includes aspects such as sowing speed and depth, soil moisture and the correct choice of discs and rings for planting. 

What is agricultural insurance and what are the benefits?

Natural phenomena are unpredictable. Some adverse weather conditions, such as hail, frost, heavy rains and droughts can cause great damage. For this reason, agricultural insurance works as a financial security device for rural properties.

Fungicides: program for good wheat production

In order to obtain a good wheat production, in general, an adequate plant population is necessary, considering the cultivar and environmental conditions, location, sowing time and level of investment in fertilization, nutrition and phytosanitary maintenance.

Agribusiness in 2021: what to expect for the next 6 months?

We arrived in the middle of 2021 and a lot has happened in our agro market. Let's take a brief look back, looking mainly at the soybean and corn market?

Weather trends for winter 2021

La Niña is over, but atmosphere has not yet come.

In May, the American Meteorological and Oceanographic Agency (NOAA) said that La Niña, a phenomenon that brought a lot of drought to central and southern Brazil in 2020, had ended. We are now under climate neutrality, without La Niña and also without a La Niña phenomenon. The point is that due to the changes for winter, it seems that the Brazilian atmosphere doesn't know about it yet.

Commodities and market outlook for 2021

After the fall in the second quarter of 2020, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, commodity prices started to recover, reaching expressive values on world exchanges, supported by the strengthening of demand. In the global scenario of soy, for example, what is observed is a production lower than consumption.

Wheat: care in implanting the crop

To seek the best results of a crop we need to know the steps and processes involved, when we do not achieve the expected result it is necessary to investigate the causes. For this, we evaluate possible climatic variations, we analyze the position of the cultivar, management of fertilizers and / or crop protectors, as well as we need to be attentive to the execution of the processes. But to avoid potential problems with wheat, what should we do?

Ryegrass: what it is, characteristics and how to control ryegrass in wheat

A new crop of wheat is approaching and along with it, doubts arise in the field of how to manage weeds effectively. And when we come to this subject, the first wheat invader to be remembered without a doubt is ryegrass. But why is ryegrass year after year of concern among farmers? Check out our text and stay on top of the subject.

Rural credit, what is it, how does it work and who can apply?

Agriculture is one of the main economic activities in the field, being considered one of the branches that most promotes the economy of Brazil and the world. In order for this activity to develop to its full potential, a series of factors is necessary that, together, make this gear run. One of them is credit, especially Rural Credit.

Limestone, sulfur and boron in the off-season: management for high yields

To obtain high yields on agricultural crops, numerous strategies can be adopted at different times of the year. When we talk about soil correction and maintenance, mainly for calcium, sulfur and boron, the off-season is one of the most appropriate periods to adopt technical strategies with systemic impact.

The State of Rio Grande do sul in the United States!

"Completely redesigned, Agritour 3Tentos toured the US producing region, visiting states in the South and Midwest. Soybean, corn, rice, cotton, and beef cattle crops were the theme at the 11th edition of Agritour, which had 29 gaucho producers! "

Welcome to the new WebSite 3Tentos!

3Tentos once more take actions to be closer to its partners. In a totally renewed, morden and functional interface, we can share our solutions and generate intelligent content through our new website. Welcome! 

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Referência: 14/05/2021
Produto Último Máxima Mínima Abertura Fechamento %
[CBOT] Arroz 13,42 13,33 -0.22%
[CBOT] Farelo 431,5 423,5 0.00%
[CME Milk Futures] Leite 18,87 18,99 18,87 18,98 18,88 -0.79%
[CBOT] Milho 692,5 718,75 685 717,25 685 -4.73%
[CBOT] Óleo de Soja 68,59 68,41 +0.54%
[CBOT] Soja 1602,5 1625 1620,75 1625 1603,75 -0.53%
[CME Lean Hog Futures] Suínos 111,15 111,575 111,15 111,45 111,15 -0.29%
[CBOT] Trigo 737 730,25 727,25 730,25 727,25 +0.10%
Referência: 13/05/2021
Produto Último Máxima Mínima Abertura Fechamento
[CME Milk Futures] Leite 18,95 19,1 18,94 19,05 19,03
[CBOT] Arroz 13,765 13,36
[CBOT] Farelo 424,7 448 427 448 423,5
[CME Lean Hog Futures] Suínos 111,475 111,925 111,2 111,775 111,475
[CBOT] Soja 1612 1657 1598 1657 1612,25
[CBOT] Milho 729 776,5 709,75 757,5 719
[CBOT] Óleo de Soja 69,05 71,91 70,85 70,85 68,04
[CBOT] Trigo 730 756,5 737 750 726,5
Frequência de atualização: diária